Monday, September 30, 2019

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay

Quality of life has a different meaning for everyone. Many personal thoughts and feelings can come into play when caring for others during the end stages of life. However as a nurse and caregiver, these opinions must be put aside at this significant time. For some health care providers, we may feel that keeping the patient comfortable and having them surrounded by family is most important. However, for the patient, personal culture, lifestyle and value for one self as well as a sense of independence in handling this time alone is most imperative. Therefor a nurse must consider the individual’s past experiences, present lifestyle and personal hopes in which they choose to live in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns at this stage. One must meet not only the physical needs of the patient but the psychosocial demands in this sensitive time of need. Seeking aggressive medical treatment vs. palliative care is something that is very personal and differs from individual to individual. Nurses’ opinions and suggestions of the â€Å"best care† should not be voiced to the patient or family, even if asked directly. For Mrs. Thomas, time also plays an important role. She is young and may have many other worries than those of an older age experience in preparing for end of life. A nurse must consider what areas of life are important to her and what is the relative importance of each of these areas. Personal perception that counting on family support is huge, but may not be possible in Mrs. Thomas’ situation as her children live out of town. STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE The nurse should look at several strategies that directly impact the patient as well as the family. Quality of life not only looks at the health status  the patient but those directly involved in the care of the patient. This encompasses a broader set of planning including finances, housing, and employment. This will have a direct impact on the entire family. Three important strategies that are helpful to relieve overall stress and promote optimal coping skills include: 1) patient awareness of disease process, 2) available support from healthcare providers and 3) addressing physical as well as the psychosocial needs of the patient. Healthcare professionals must be prepared and speak directly with the patient and family when it is determined best to the physician’s ability, that the identified disease of breast cancer will cause death. Advance planning and preparation may be helpful in dying well if Mrs. Thomas is more aware about her status of disease. Physicians and nurses must change the plan of aggressive medical treatments of curing the disease of breast cancer and concentrate providing support and a comfortable well being of the deteriorating disease process. This in turn should provide a plan of care for relief of pain, contentment to the patient and focus on the overall whole being of quality of life. The homecare team can include doctors, nurses, home health aides, social workers, and clergy as well as trained volunteers. Most team members provide on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deliver support. The patient and family should feel the comfort in calling these resources at anytime. The nurse must remind Mrs. Thomas and her husband that they are not â€Å"bothering† any team member by asking for assistance. The team must always work together and communicate the patient’s goals for end-of-life care. It is important for all to realize this is very individualized for each patient and family member. Each individual strategy should include caring for the whole person physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It important for the team to develop strengths based perspectives of psychosocial interventions and listen to what the patient and family have to say to enable them to cope better. In doing so, the team must also communicate on each encounter with Mrs. Thomas and family as well as each other to assure that her and the husband’s needs are being met. HOLISTIC CARE A holistic nursing care plan in valuable in delivering care to the entire person in supporting the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social and  environmental needs. With this approach, nursing care needs to move away from viewing Mrs. Thomas as merely a ‘diagnosis’ and treating her as a whole person. Nursing goals should be to develop immediate trust with the patient and family, provide comfort, supportive care, and symptom management. This can be achieved by effective communication and providing a calm, relaxed setting for Mrs. Thomas. Allowing her to speak openly and honestly about her feelings and emotions of grief, physical complaints such as pain, nausea, and difficulty sleeping is a good way to start to develop a trusting nurse/patient relationship. As a nurse, one must be supportive and be willing to listen openly. Once Mrs. Thomas begins to express these types of things, the nurse must review and evaluate every visit to improve specific concerns with her. More importantly, healthcare providers must display an openness to hear new concerns and prioritize the needs of the patient and family. FUNCTIONAL ABILITY Assessments to maintain the self functional ability for Mrs. Thomas should include creating a plan to achieve realistic goals and allow self care as long as possible. This in turn can give control back to Mrs. Thomas, help raise confidence and value her quality of life. Mrs. Thomas’ physical, social and environmental conditions should also be considered to help her care for herself. Discussing the 24/7 availability of visits from registered nurses and social workers, involving family and friends or volunteers that can help with running errands and meal preparation for adequate dietary intake, and discussing appropriate medical equipment to assist with ADLs such as performing personal hygiene can prove to be helpful. PROVIDING ADDITIONAL CARE When self-care is no longer possible, the importance of more frequent nurse and/or social worker visits, and interaction of clergy is valuable. In addition, further involvement of additional family, friends, home health aides or volunteers to assist not only with running errands, meal preparation and assistance with ADLs but being present in the home for longer periods to care directly for Mrs. Thomas becomes more imperative. The nurse can assist in making sure appropriate DME equipment is in the home. In  addition, this turns out to be a time when additional emotional support is of great concern for Mr. Thomas. CHRONIC DEPRESSION Mr. Thomas already suffers from chronic depression and now has to endure immense and continuous stress to care for his wife with advanced breast cancer. Over time this takes a toll his health, ability to work, finances, and their own personal and family needs. Involvement of not only the nurse, but also social worker and bereavement counselor can help Mr. Thomas tremendously. Encouraging him to take his medications will help both him and his wife. Also, reassurance that it is okay to want quiet time and allowing others to help to care for his wife should be verbalized to him in a caring manner. Taking some of the financial worries away from Mr. Thomas may help as well. The social worker can discuss resources that are of no cost from community volunteer organizations and review the reimbursement of covered services from the insurance organization at the beginning and in ongoing care of his wife. Sharing the right information with the patient’s family is very important and can assist in better coping. Again, the home care team must offer an environment that provides the openness to hear all concerns and overall needs of not only the patient but also her family.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Is Poverty Constructed as a Social Problem in the UK Today Essay

The term ‘social problem’ refers to certain problems that are socially recognised by society and are felt to threaten certain values cherished by the public. This essay will investigate the different types of poverty that occur in the U. K and will explore the sociological arguments as to how poverty links with social problems such as social exclusion, gender discrimination in the work place, lone-parenting and disability and look at how these problems are perceived in today’s society. Poverty is an ever increasing issue in the UK and is perceived as a major social problem due to the consequences that it brings with it . The term ‘social problem’ refers to specific problems in our society which are sociologically recognised. These problems are socially constructed and can be distinguished when certain values that are cherished by the public are felt threatened by a particular event that is happening in society and can be thought of to threaten the stability of a community or society as the public already know it. Firstly, this essay will explore the different types of poverty that exist in the UK. Secondly, it will explore why poverty exists and explain the reasons as to why certain people are affected by poverty and how this links with structure and agency. In conclusion, this essay will emphasise the main arguments as to why poverty is constructed as a social problem in today’s society. When exploring the different types of poverty that commonly exist in the UK, it can be categorised into two main groups, absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute definitions of poverty are usually seen to have logic to them based around the topic of subsistence; what is needed to sustain our lives’ (Alcock, 2006:66). Anyone who is below the subsistence level is said to be suffering from absolute poverty. The term ‘poverty’ gives the connotations of deprivation, hardship, shortage and scarcity etc; however the word ‘absolute’ emphasises the extent of poverty that one is living in. Absolute poverty refers to people who do not have access to the day to day resources that are needed to meet their subsistence levels in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example sufferers of this type of poverty are known to be lacking the essential, basic needs such as a clean water supply, a good food source, shelter, sanitation, clothing and a good income are absent in peoples’ lives who are suffering from this type of poverty. However, subsistence level is what we need to sustain our life, and differs on time and place. Thus introducing the idea that different people need different things in different places according to different circumstances (Alcock, 2006:67). Research has shown that sociologist Rowntree, developed an idea to determine levels of poverty. He established a basic diet theory from the judgement of nutritionists to act as a subsistence definition of poverty which showed that people were living in poverty to very different extents. This theory adopted the definition of ‘Relative Poverty’ which is a more cultural and social definition due to the changes in poverty overtime. Relative poverty can be seen as a comparison between the standard of living between other members of society who are living in poverty to different levels. The main idea being suggested with relative poverty is that some needs are not related in any way to the maintenance of physical health (Kane, 2003:51). For example, a person may have the basic needs to sustain a healthy life such as food, water, shelter, sanitation and some sort of income; but they also possess such things which are not directly related to ‘the maintenance of physical health’ such as a television, radio, newspapers, books, alcohol and tobacco, or even means of transport. When considering relative poverty, it is essential to look at what becomes the ‘essential needs’ for a person as time changes, standards of life improve and peoples’ expectations grow. In support of this, an excellent way of understanding poverty can be seen as a ‘comparison between the standard of living of those who are poor and those who are not, or by the distinction between the merely existing and the living’ (Alcock,2006). Poverty is seen as a social problem as the issues that derive around it affect our society as a whole. Poverty exists in the U. K for a number of reasons, however it has been found that there is not one solitary answer as to why it exists and many people have diverse opinions on the subject matter. However, discarding the different definitions or descriptions of poverty, academics and policy makers do agree that poverty is a social problem and is seen as an unacceptable state of affairs (Alcock:2006:4). Poverty exists due to many reasons including unemployment, crime, low income, the amount of education and skill, social inequality and exclusion, gender, age, disability and ethnicity and when put into perspective these issues can be linked with structure and agency. Social exclusion is an individual and collective problem that examines the topic of how living standards recognize not only what a person or family have but also what they do. Thus portraying the idea social exclusion can be significant in representing whether or not an individual is suffering from poverty or not, as social exclusion prevents them from participating in specific common and popular social groups thus reinforcing the idea that social exclusion depends crucially on independent agency. ‘Social exclusion is a shorthand term for what can happen when people or areas have a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime and family breakdown’ (Ridge, 2008:46). This is a good example of how poverty is constructed as a social problem as if one is living in relative poverty, and cannot seek employment and is welfare dependent living off benefits, then the individual will be socially excluded in that they may not be able to afford to join certain social clubs, or get to remote public services and in general the issue of discrimination will stop people from joining certain activities and entering certain areas. ‘Social exclusion is a problem for society if there are those who are unable to take part in social relations, including in a democracy, political participation and involvement’ (Ridge, 2008:47). Women are more prone to live in low income circumstances than men, hence introducing the social problem of gender discrimination. Women have been discriminated in the workplace over time in that they are paid less than men in specific jobs and are not seen to be ‘suited’ to particular jobs, especially in the manufacturing and trade industries. Marxist feminist Margaret Benston believed that women were oppressed by capitalism in that they were treated almost as a back-up, or secondary option of cheap labour that enabled profits to be kept up. ‘In 1994, 6. 1 million women were in low-paid jobs and on average women’s full-time gross weekly pay was 72 percent of that of men’(Kane, 2003:115). The public representation of the ‘typical single parent’ can be rather distorted, however research has shown that the majority or lone-parents who are likely to suffer from poverty, are women. ‘Women’s retirement income is boosted significantly by having a partner with a history of well-paid work, but women who have had children and are separated or divorced face very high risks of pension poverty’(Ridge,2008:138). This piece of evidence shows that if the women has separated from her partner then she is likely to face poverty in bringing up their children alone and this in itself is subject to cause many other social problems. Raising a family as a single mother, whilst suffering from relative poverty can, in some cases, lead to related social problems such as crime, alcohol and drug misuse, vandalism, discrimination, unemployment and suicide. If a child is brought up in a household which lacks the basic needs to sustain a healthy life, then they may be pulled into a more anti-social lifestyle, which in turn could lead to unemployment for them when they get older and resorting to sleeping rough on the streets, and thus increasing the number of homeless people in our society. Similarly, discrimination towards disabled people is a common problem in today’s society determined by individualism. Disabled people are more likely to suffer from poverty than those without a disability. The poverty rate for adults with disabilities is 30%, twice that for adults without a disability’ (Ridge, 2008:244). This can be illustrated by the fact that disabled people are confronted with a lot of discrimination in their lifetime, especially when seeking employment. Hence why a lot of disabled people are unemployed and living in poverty. Recent studies highlighted the additional costs for a disabled person to meet their needs and it was found that even when a disabled person is receiving the maximum benefit levels, those suffering with a disability are given approximately ? 00 a week less than the weekly amount required for them to ensure a minimum standard of living (Ridge,2008:245). Consequently, this is because not only do people with disabilities have a low income, their living costs are much higher due to the expenditure needed on special equipment, utilities and food. Throughout this essay, I have explored the different types of poverty that are commonly found in our society and have highlighted some of the main reasons as to why poverty is constructed as a social problem in the U. K today and by whom it is affected by. For problems to become socially recognised they need to have an impact on society in a way that certain values cherished by the public are felt to be threatened. By examining the issues of social exclusion, gender, lone parenting and disability we can conclude that these issues are definitely seen problems in our society. It becomes evident that the subject of discrimination links into all these issues, and thus emphasising that poverty is distinguished as a social problem in the U. K, and although the extent of these problems changes over time and place, it will most likely be a recurring problem in our society for entirety.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Computer security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Computer security - Essay Example From this analysis, it has been deduced that PCs could be attacked without their users’ awareness by an effortless visit to any website that has been infiltrated by hackers [1]. Finkle and By Anoop noted that researchers have realized a code that attacks PCs by taking advantage of a newly discovered error in the newest installation of Java. In a subsequent piece of program called â€Å"Poison Ivy,† its release allowed hackers gain authority over the infected PC. PCs are vulnerable to infection without the users’ awareness merely by a visit to any website that has been infiltrated by hackers [1]. It is worth noting that a number of security organizations counseled users to instantly render Java program inoperative. This applied to the software installed through their internet browsers. These browsers had some nature on the great majority of PCs across the globe [2]. According to oracle, Java is present in 97% of activity PCs. Computer security specialists have commended the disabling of Java scripts for global usage on their browsers by PC owners. Rather, they stated that it was securer to authorize the usage of java browser plug-ins on a case-by-case when pressed for authorization by trusted software [1]. [1] Anoop. (2012, Aug.) â€Å"Quick! Disable or Uninstall Java from Your PC before Its Too Late†, Hacktabs. Available: your-pc-before-its-too-late/ [2] J. Finkle. (2012, Aug.) â€Å"Java Update Leaves PCs Open To Hackers, Experts Warn†, Huffingtonpost. Available:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bitcoin - IT professional and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bitcoin - IT professional and society - Essay Example It is supported by the network and created as a part of reward for any work to be processed. Furthermore, it is created by users that can offer their computing power for record and verify payments. Most of the transaction and buying are done by the help of credit or debit card. The use of credit card via online is insecure and never supposed to be used by the online users. The transaction done through Bitcoin does not require providing any secret information. People who are the victim of using credit card for online transaction are trying to use Bitcoin as a solution. Bitcoin is safe and required two keys such as private one and public key. Private Key is secret and is not revealed to any users. Public key is the actual Bitcoin address. One of the biggest retailers, is accepting the use of Bitcoin. Lot of major organizations and companies are taking the notice of making transaction secure and trying to implement the use of digital currency, Bitcoin. The introduction of Bitcoin has been one of the debated topics and buzzwords around the world. The effect of Bitcoin on Ecommerce is immense. It is mainly due to the fact that, there are no transaction fees for consumers on the currency. Moreover, the implementation of Bitcoin is secure and low transaction fess required. In addition, transaction can be possible in areas where it is not possible for any option of payment. The potential growth of implementation of Bitcoin is huge and can revolutionize the use of online transaction. The introduction of Satoshi Nakamoto has been for many years now. But it is finally taking its prime position to be on the main stage. The revolutionary currency idea has been a late arrival in the United States. Many other countries have utilized the use of Bitcoin as a potential future payment system. A vacation home can be bought with the help of Bitcoin in Argentina. Dentists in Finland have approved the use of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

DELACROIX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DELACROIX - Essay Example In London, Delacroix studied various works of English painters who he greatly admired and inspired some of his later works (Villarreal par. 25). The trip to London brought Delacroix closer to mimicking the works and colorful style of Reuben’s paintings. Such influence of English paintings and artwork was evident in his later work in 1930, July 28: Liberty Leading the People. The painting Liberty Leading the people commemorated the recent French revolution as this canvas was a reflection of the artist’s change of style. Delacroix fascination for the work of English painters started early in his career pushing him to visit London. Various elements of artistic migration are evident in Eugene Delacroixs works especially after a visit to England. Most of Delacroixs works between 1820 and 1830 were greatly influenced by the English painting particularly after visiting London in 1825. Delacroix visited England accompanied by his artistic English friends Thales Fielding and Richard Parkes. Even early before 1830 and before the visit to England, Delacroix had great interest in English paintings especially the use of watercolors and oil techniques evident in English landscape paintings. The artist’s friendship with English friends greatly influenced the love and interest in English works. Delacroix’s works when during the time he was in England show great influence from the English painter, Sir Thomas Lawrence. Most of the artist’s works depend on his interpretation of the British portraits according to his understanding and personality. One of Delacroix’s most outstanding works during the period he was in London was the portrait of Louis-Auguste (Baron) Schwiter in 1826. The painting is similar to most English portraits from the time by trying to capture schwiters character as he is posing and standing in a park. Delacroix does not portray a relaxed attitude of Schwiter but chooses to emphasize on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study I Week 3 Assignment

Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study I Week 3 - Assignment Example Though it may seem callous to say, the main objective is to draw a line that crosses both an ethical and a legal aspect of such a scenario in order to negate any sort of liability that may befall the hospital should anything happen (Grant & Ballard, 2011). Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is a very controversial subject with both sides holding strong arguments on why it should or should not be accepted. On one hand its seen as the simple and outright killing of another individual yet on the other it can be said that such an act cannot be considered to be murder as it involves the willing participation of the so called victim (Lachman, 2010). What can be considered to be the best option as a result is the creation of a strong outline for the circumstances under which PAS is allowed for an individual (Calandrillo, 1998). This is due to the fact that in some cases an individual who is bound to die in the end is simply being given a choice of suffering through out till the end or choosing to go in a more peaceful manner but earlier than would have been the case. An individual should have the right to be able to make such a decision for themselves (Lachman,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Subordinate Role of Reason in Hume's Moral Philosophy Essay

The Subordinate Role of Reason in Hume's Moral Philosophy - Essay Example Hume thought that what we perceive become images, and these images or pictures of reality are manipulated by reason. But, there is no manipulating these perceptions without the prior perceptions or sensations first: â€Å"I shall endeavor to prove first, that reason alone can never be a motive to an action of the will; and secondly, that it can never oppose passion in the direction of the will† [Cahn and Markie, Ed., 244]. What Hume is arguing, can be described as presenting a very sharp or definite distinction between â€Å"reason† which he calls â€Å"utterly impotent† when contrasted with the â€Å"passions† [Cahn and Markie, Ed., 247]. And, unlike the images that can be manipulated by reason, the relationship between the â€Å"passions† and â€Å"actions† is a direct one or as he phrases it: â€Å"morals excite passions, and produce and prevent actions ... the rules of morality, therefore, are not conclusions of our reason† [Cahn a nd Markie, Ed., 247]. Most might maintain that reason and the senses have a more connected or inter-twined relationship. It is important to stress that reason is only connected to 'necessary' types of truths like mathematical equations. That is, truths that are valid regardless of sense experience. Or, truths that are valid because of the rules themselves: â€Å"reason is the faculty judges of truth and falsehood† [Cahn and Markie, Ed., 687]. One of the effects or consequences of this model is that there are actually no irrational actions. If the actions or the relationship between passions and actions are separate or only interact with each-other rather than reason, then this interaction cannot be said to be one that has any rationality. As is summarized by Cahn and Markie: â€Å"If the only possibility Hume means to be putting forward here, is the possibility of action based on false belief about causes and effects, we get a curious result ... people never act irrationally † [Cahn and Markie, Ed., 687]. They cannot act irrationally, precisely because 'action' in-itself is not a rational thing either in its manifestation as an actual sensible activity or event, and not rational in the sense that it was motivated by an 'impulse' or a 'sensation'. It is the reaction to a sensation. 'General Statement' of the Role of Reason as subordinate to the Senses: Thus, for Hume, morality is inseparable from the sentiments or a form of sentimentality. The â€Å"only possible source of motivation† for Hume, is to â€Å"satisfy† a â€Å"passion† [Cahn and Markie, Ed., 685]. The role of reason is to evaluate only the rules that are abstracted from sense experience, which means that all human motivation and all human action is one driven by passions. Thus, Hume resolves that problem in his discussion of benevolence and justice by establishing a theory of sentiments at the core of moral decisions. Sentiments are measured in terms of the greater pleasure or conversely, the greater harm that results. And, therefore, a just society is one that functions in harmony with the avoidance of the sensation of pain and the increase of pleasure. Again, it is important to stress that this connection with justice is one that is grounded in 'sense experience' but also the reasoning about it to – as is the nature of laws. Finally, it is possible to put forward a straight forward example to illustrate the notion of 'benevolence' and 'justice'. Just as a sensation can cause an increase in pleasure, so too with

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strategic Planning Today for the Delivery of Quality Health Care Research Paper

Strategic Planning Today for the Delivery of Quality Health Care - Research Paper Example As the paper declares in the case of the service industry, it is hard for customers to know the quality of service they will get, and, therefore, depend on history of a business before choosing it as a source of service. Consequently, it is crucial for an institution to have a history of offering outstanding services to increase its customer base. In addition, in the health services industry, quality goes together with safety and customers seek services from highly acclaimed institutions, especially those with high recovery rates and low mortality rates. An institution must create a culture of quality service by one of the two main approaches, quality assurance, and quality control; the former is more suitable since it signifies a commitment to improvement and not just adherence to laid-down standards. If the health care system is not visionary enough to anticipate later changes and modify their approach on patient care, then technological advancement will result in use of equipment that increases productivity without having improvements in the quality and safety of service. In this research paper, strategic planning will be linked to improvements in service delivery. The paper will achieve this by reviewing the literature on research done to improve service delivery, and the consequences of doing so. Finally, the report will summarize the strategy, and make recommendations for improvement if available. Research Sources There have been many research attempts; all aimed at identifying reasons, consequences, factors, and methodologies of implementing research findings to improve the quality of medical care to patients. The findings of these studies, if implemented, stand a high chance of improving the quality of healthcare. However, this implementation depends on various factors incl uding the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mgt 401 Week 2 Essay Example for Free

Mgt 401 Week 2 Essay Business Model Comparison Most small businesses require some outside funding. Not many entrepreneurs have enough personal capital to open and maintain funding for a business. To attract investors and attain partnerships, a business owner should consider a business model necessary. This paper will compare two restaurant businesses, identify the business model and forms of ownership for each business by completing a Comparison of Business matrix, describe benefits by building a sustainable competitive advantage, and giving advantages and disadvantages of each business ownership. Great introduction. You state the purpose and what you plan to address! McDonald’s restaurants are among the most recognizable in the world. Their quintessential arches can be identified in almost every country. This fast-food mogul is one of the biggest and most profitable corporations in the industry (what industry? Make sure you provide information on the restaurant industry). Serving as a polar opposite is Datillo’s restaurant in Hemet, California. This small restaurant is known as the only fine dining experience in town and has only one location. The companies both represent the polar opposites of forms of business ownership. Comparison of Businesses Matrix |Comparison Items |McDonald’s |Datillo’s | | |Fast food, low quality, low prices. |Sit-down restaurant, high quality, and | | | |mid-level prices | |Value Proposition |â€Å"We place the customer experience at the core|â€Å"Welcome home, here you can enjoy a casual | | |of all we do† |lunch or dinner in a warm, festive | | | (Values In Action, 2013). |atmosphere.† | | | | (Datillos Ristorante: About Us, 2013). | |Target Market |All Markets, all classes |All Markets, all classes | |Value Chain |Attractive to people looking for inexpensive |Attractive to people looking for a fine dining| | |and fast food. Fast growth rate. |experience. Can compete with rivals on quality| | | |and service. | |Revenue |In 2012 gross income was $27.6 Billion. |In 2012 gross income was | | | |$459,000. | |Position |More opportunity for expansion and |Unique cuisine (niche) offers competitive | | |competitive advatange |advantage, less opportunity for expansion | |Competitive St rategy |Serving food at the lowest possible price |Only fine dining in town. Authentic Italian | | |while reserving as much quality. Also reliant|food, very high quality products. | | |on nostalgia to bring customers back. | | |Form of Ownership |Corporation: When a business is owned by |Sole Proprietorship: a business that is owned | | |multiple people and run by lower-lying |and managed by one person. | | |managers and employees. | | Good information! Benefits To Building A Competitive Advantage When evaluating the benefits of each business, it is important to consider the size of each business. As an example, both sole proprietorships and partnerships are relatively small in size and may perhaps provide more personalized service to each of their clients. In many businesses, customers appreciate personalized service and may in turn hire small businesses for that service. On the other hand, a larger business, like McDonald’s, typically is composed of more resources and may offer the prospective customer a lower price. Another competitive advantage of a smaller business, like Datillo’s, is the ability to provide customers with a higher level of quality. Because customers of small businesses deal more closely with a ‘tight nit’ group of employees, the quality and service provided to the customer is much greater than a larger corporation composed of numerous locations. Both small and large businesses each have distinct advantages that enable them each to thrive. Although some customers may appreciate the more personalized service of small businesses, others may prefer a lower price and a larger name brand. Make sure paragraphs are a minimum of 3 sentences! Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership McDonald is known for the quality the restaurant serves, and the opportunities the McDonald restaurant offer. McDonalds has been number one in the fast-food market in the United States, and the most memorable brands, products, and mascots. McDonalds franchise owner can be safer than lesser-known franchises because the McDonalds name and operational model comes packaged with its own legion of loyal customers and industry-best practices for restaurant success. A franchise store such as McDonalds can help business owners to achieve financial independence by associating with an international powerhouse that can almost guarantee a certain degree of success. Another advantages of McDonald have is that McDonald’s cis that they can invest behind any market research it does and eliminates the need for a franchisee to do expensive research. Although McDonald it has its advantages, there are disadvantages associate with McDonalds. The restaurants have been target in a battle against what has been term the obesity epidemic, casting McDonalds outlets along with their owners in a highly negative light in the media, and their communities. McDonalds and its peers respond to this negativity by attempting to add healthy options to their menu, but the stigma is likely to linger. One of the advantages Dattilo’s Restaurants is that the restaurant’s offers an extensive classic Italian menu, comprised of items made from locally sourced premium quality ingredients, cooked to orde r for each guest. The restaurant uses authentic and healthy Italian accent. Dattilo’s also offers Internet special discounts and family gathering for its customers (Dattilo’s Ristorante, 2013). The disadvantage is Dattilo’s restaurant location are limited, the restaurant has not expanded their services statewide. Confusing sentence, consider rewording! Conclusion A business model is one essential factor in the success of a business. The business models of McDonald’s and Dattilo’s are much different but both successful. McDonald’s is a major corporation with thousands of locations and Dattilo’s with just one, but both have been in business for many years. There are advantages and disadvantages of both types of businesses, but regardless building a sustainable competitive advantage is achievable. The two restaurants compared in this paper offer different levels of quality, service, and cuisine, thus requiring a different level of ownership that each business model relays. References Datillos Ristorante: (2013).About Us, 2013, rRetrieved from: McDonald’s: Values in Action, 2013, retrieved from: |Content and Organization |Points |Comments: | |70 Percent |Earned: 6.5 | | |Profile of a Small Business (Week 2) | |All key elements of the | | | |assignment are | | | |covered†¦good job! | | |Y | | | | | | | | |You clearly identify the| | | |two businesses but make | | |Y |sure you clearly | | | |identify the industry. | | | | | | |N |Good job explaining the | | | |advantages and | | | |disadvantages. | | |N | | | | |Make sure you provide | | | |academic and business | | | |research to validate | | | |your thoughts and | | |Y |opinions. | | | | | | | | | | | |Your introduction | | | |clearly states your | | | |purpose and what you | | | |plan to address. | | |Y | | | | | | | | |Your conclusion needs to| | | |review the major points | | |Y |of the paper- good job | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Y | | | | | | | | | | | |Y | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Y | | |All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. | | | |700 to 1050 word count | | | |The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. | | | |The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate | | | |audience. | | | |The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry | | | |practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. | | | |Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, | | | |or analysis; and are organized logically. | | | | | | | |Identify an industry with which you are familiar, and then choose two | | | |businesses in that industry. | | | | | | | |Identify the business model and forms of ownership for each business, then | | | |complete the Comparison of Businesses Matrix. | | | | | | | |Describe benefits associated with each business by evaluating how they built a | | | |sustainable competitive advantage. | | | | | | | |Explain advantages and disadvantages of each business’s ownership. | | | |The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major| | | |points. | | | |The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the | | | |major points. | | | | | | | |Readability and Style |Points Earned: 1.5 |Comments: | |15 Percent | | | | | |Great job†¦your sentences| | | |are well-written and | | |Y |error free. | | | | | | |Y | | | | | | | |Y | | | | | | | |Y | | | | | | | | | | | |Y | | |Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout | | | |the paper. | | | |The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. | | | |Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. | | | |Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. | | | |Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. | | | | | | | |Mechanics |Points |Comments: | |15 Percent |Earned: 1 | | | | | | | | |Research adds validity | | |N |to your thoughts and | | | |ideas. Continue to | | | |expand your use. You | | |N |provide no business | | | |research or materials | | |N |from class. | | |Y |Ensure paragraphs are | | | |complete thoughts and | | |Y |flow into each section. | | | | | | | | | | | |Please continue to | | | |review the CWE and APA | | | |guidelines. | |The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, | | | |follow APA guidelines for format. | | | |Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.| | | |The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white | | | |space. | | | |Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. | | | |Spelling is correct. | | | | | | | | | |Comments: | | | |Great work team! | | |Points earned: |9 |

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Professional Development Plan Essay Example for Free

Professional Development Plan Essay The group members of Learning Team D 3 took a DISC assessment test to determine their personality styles, strengths and weaknesses, and areas that need enhancement. The group members are (Antonia, Brenda, Matthew, Robin, Steven). The Professional Development Plan will give a description of the strengths, and weaknesses each personality styles, individualities each styles share, and characteristics that may cause conflict, and how each styles can work together for the betterment of the organization. As well as to show how I, the manager can improve my abilities to lead from each team member. The DISC assessment generated two personality types within the group: Cautious, and Dominance. Three out of the five members of the group including my-self are labeled as Cautious. The Cautious strengths entails independence, dependable, good listeners, ask numerous questions over critical information, and are good at follow-through, they want perfection, and tend to be tense with themselves and others when under pressure, they have a natural curiosity about people, and are concerned about what people expect, think, and feel, they have strong affections to their personal interests, undervaluing the time required to complete tasks, being intuitive and observant about situations and people, they tend to associate their self-worth with their work accomplishments, and are intrigued by concepts, ideas and processes. They are known for being assessors and tend to have strong opinions about people and groups with whom they do not agree or identify. Their weaknesses of Cautious are they tend to work at a slow pace, unlike The Dominance personality types who are goal-oriented, fast-paced, take authority, and willing to challenge outdated thinking and ideas. Dominance weaknesses are what make them stand out from Cautious personality type. Dominance is not afraid to bend the rules; they become annoyed with delays, and prefer to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission to make certain decision on assignments. In order for each group member to work together as a team; it is important to first understand each member’s strengths and weaknesses and utilize them as a tool for the group  to accomplish their goal. Evaluating the different personality types I’ve come to the conclusion that Dominance and Cautious types are similar in personality traits, they are both problem solvers, efficien t, productive, independent, and have the same sense of irritations. The only differences between these two types are the pace in which they choose to work. The Cautious style prefers to work at a slower pace whilst, the Dominance style prefers to work at faster pace. Subsequently, understanding each personality styles, the characteristics of each member, and what each group has in common. We now need to utilize each of these characteristics and use them as a tool to accomplish our goals. For example, if our group was working for a financial organization, the Cautious types would be best place in a Human Resources position or even in the Marketing department. Those positions require individuals that possess such traits as being detail oriented, independent workers, and follow-through on certain types of assignments. Dominance type would be greater in managerial positions, for they like to take charge, and are comfortable in a fast paced environment; they are willing to take on challenges head on, and don’t mind taking risks. In order for the organization to run smoothly all these positions need each other in order to become succes sful, and to work as a team. Even though my personality style is Cautious I feel a good leader is usually passionate about the organization and his or her work, exudes confidence in his or her abilities, can organizes and makes sense of complex situations, maintains high standards and inspires others to do the same, can motivate and inspire employees, and is generally looked up to as a person of vision (Hill, 2009). This is a quote I feel strongly about and would want to base my leadership style on. I agree with the whole statement it expresses, and feel I can be inspirational with my group and motivate them to accomplish our goals. As a leader, I look forward to learning the skills that are required in order to become a better leader/manager. The DISC assessment has shown the different characteristics each personality styles possess. There are numerous traits each type shared, and a few that could cause conflicts, we must learn that we are all different individuals who have different learning styles and traits, as a result, we much learn from each other in order to grow and become better individuals, and need to help each other to be better individuals whether in work or educational environment. It is imperative  that each group member have an understanding on how to rely on each other even though there is discomfort with the various types of personalities. My capability to lead the team will be based on my willingness to learn from each team member and to understand that we should work as a team and not as an independent person on a project. All of the information provided above plan will be supervised closely, with periodic meetings organized in order to allow employees to give their views, opinion and concerns about various topics, that way it will help to ensure that full compliance is being achieved. I believe it is imperative that regular (weekly) monitoring is performed to make sure that the organization stays on track on all assignments, and concerns are being discussed, this will help ensure the long term success of the organization, and recognizing each individual’s style, as well as their strengths, and weaknesses will permit a more personal and individualized approach taken in regards to team dynamics and goal achievement. Reference Alessandra, Tony, Ph.D., and Michael J. O’Connor, Ph.D. 1996. The Platinum Rule ®. New York, NY: Warner Books. DISC Test and DISC Assessment: Explained. (2013). Retrieved from Hill, C. (2009). NY Daily News. Retrieved from effective-leader-article-1.372028 Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational Behavior (15th ed.). : Pearson. University of Phoenix. (2014). DISC Assessments [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, LDR531 website.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Elderly Sex Offenders: Causes, Crimes and Punishments

Elderly Sex Offenders: Causes, Crimes and Punishments Introduction In the recent years, the number of reported crimes involving geriatric offenders has increased, especially in sex related offences. Although there is a recent spate of sex offences, there has been minimal discussion with regard to sex offenders who commit their crimes in their golden years. Furthermore, the media has been seen to portray the elderly as feeble and delicate targets for criminals, more than a perpetrator of crimes. This essay will firstly define the ground rules and establish a common understanding of the age range of the elderly. Part II of the essay will examine and discuss the types of offences committed by elderly sex offenders, follow by the reasons for committing the sexual crimes. Part III of the essay will delve at the current punishments and treatments for geriatric sex offenders based on classical and positivist approach. Finally, Part IV will offer some recommendations on the way forward of elderly sex offenders. Definition of an Elderly Person According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most of the countries worldwide have accepted the chronological age of 65 years as a definition of elderly person (WHO, 2010). This definition also coincides with the definition of elderly in United States. In Singapore, however, the elderly, or otherwise known as senior citizen, own their status once they have reached the age of 55. Although senior citizenship starts from the age of 55, it is worthy to note that Singaporeans retired at the age of 62 and statistics from the government actually delineate age 65 and above from the others when determining the age structure for the purpose of statistics (Statistic Singapore, 2010). Ironically, criminals whose age are 50 and above are not subjected to canning regardless of the offences committed, though the average life expectancy of Singaporeans is 81.4 (Male: 79 and female: 83.7). For the purpose of this essay, we will define age 65 and above to qualify as elderly. Offenses Perpetrated by Elderly Sex Offenders While the majority of the sex offenders are still committed by younger men, statistics show that nearly 4 percent (2858 persons)of the sexual crimes in United States in 2006 were age 60 and above (Sullivan, 2007). Whereas in Singapore, there were 50 over sexual crimes in 2009 and out of the 50 over cases, less than 5 cases are elderly offenders. Generally, sex offences committed by elderly are more passive sexual activities as compared to younger sex offenders. Research has shown that elderly sex offenders are more likely to commit non-violent sexual offences such as pedophilia, fondling or molest, statutory rape, exposing of the genitals and other acts of exhibitionism (Eysenck Gudjonsson, 2000). For example, a recent case of 90 year-old Australian arrested and charged for raping four young sisters (age 5 to 7) whom he allegedly lured to his home in Thailand with imported chocolates and English lessons (Suchaovanich, 2010). In Singapore, a 68 year-old magician was arrested and char ged for molesting a 12 year-old apprentice (SSN, 2009). Although there are many different scenarios of elderly sex offenders, these 2 incidents seem to suggest that elderly sex offenders frequently choose children as their victims and are more likely to do so than younger offenders. Potential reasons postulated that the elderly men have lost their charisma and are generally unattractive to females. Also, the fact that grandfather image tend to be more trust worthy than younger men and this increases the opportunity of committing sexual crimes. Besides, young victims are less able to defend themselves and easier to bribe and less likely to report such incidents (Hucker, 1984). Possible Reasons for Sexual Crimes Other possible reasons seem to indicate that elderly sex offenders may be suffering from a lost sense of masculinity. Furthermore, sexual crimes are committed by elderly offenders who are feeling less potent and less active in their golden age. It is postulated that by victimizing someone less powerful, the elderly is able to recover his lost self-esteem (Benett, 1987). Another postulation by Hucker and Ben-Aron (1987) seems to suggest that they are unable to physically live out their fantasies and hence, only capable of performing their desires in a limited sexual capacity. Additionally, it is also hypothesized that the elderly sex offenders are overwhelmed by typical problems such as social isolation and loneliness due to separation from grown up kids, death of spouse or even poverty. One of the prison psychologists, Susan King felt that elderly offenders are still sexually driven. However, due to their health condition and potency, they become frustrated and therefore acted on chi ldren simply because they are easy targets. Moreover, elderly sex offenders do not want to seek counseling or treatment (Rayburn, 2007). Punishment or Treatment of Elderly Sex Offenders According to the Penal Code (Chapter 224, Section 375 and 376), the penalty for sex offences is imprisonment of not less than 8 years and not more than 20 years, and shall also be punished with not less than 12 strokes of cane. Most of the countries have average sentence of 12 years for rapists but caning is not commonly used in some countries such as United States and some African nations. Usually, a criminal justice system is more inclined towards the classical approach as this theory is very policy oriented and concentrates on establishing and operating a criminal justice system that is rule-based, consistent and predictable (Joyce, 2006). Punishments meted out by such system are usually acted as a form of deterrence to members of public from committing crimes. Other than the classical approach, positivist theory is another approach to deal with crimes. Rather than focusing on the law and the offence committed, this approach looks into the contributing factors leading to the crime . It advocates treatment and rehabilitation over punishments. However, more often than not, when elderly sex offenders are convicted of their crimes, the question that will be normally raised, what to do with these criminals? Which approach to be used? While there is a strong disinclination of locking the feeble and frail elderly into the prison and spend his final years, nobody would allow a sex offender to be roaming in the streets and inflicts harm on the children. In United States, sex offenders are banished from the towns and they are restricted from living 750 meters within the streets and schools. They were forced to live under bridges and homeless (Kelley, 2010). In fact, many of these elderly sex offenders are first timer with no prior criminal record of any sexual or other offense (Hart, 2008). If Singapore were to impose such restrictions, we will see sex offenders congregating outside the city and this would have other repercussions and inadvertently create other social problems in the society. Another important aspect that influence and shape the publics perception is the power of media as it exerts an imperative influence on the popular perception of the nature and effect of crime. Just because sex, violence and controversy sells newspaper, it actually enables profit-run mass media companies to publish and sensationalize stories that the public would generally be interested in reading and watching so as to boost the sales and advertising revenue. However, the media is not providing an accurate portrayal of the news and allows deviance amplification and moral panic to set in. In essence, the members of public forms their opinions of the offences and crimes based on what they read and watch. Take it for instance, the media in Singapore has always portrayed the elderly as frail and frightened, being the victims of robbery rather than perpetrators of crimes. Recommendations Besides the usual classical system meted to punish elderly offenders, the system should advocates for a sympathetic treatment of elderly sex offenders because the elderly offenders tend to be non-aggressive in their acts, possess low recidivism rate and deprived of notable social, health and mental problems (Hucker, 1984). In fact, evidence from Steffensmeier (1995) seems to imply that elderly sex offenders receive more lenient sentences than the younger offenders. One possibility for reconciling the differences in sentencing might be due to the fact that elderly sex offenders are generally less aggressive towards their victims and are more likely to commit non-violent sexual offenses when compared to younger sex offenders. Some of the elderly sex offenders suffer from sicknesses such Parkinson disease, Alzheimers, dementia and other elderly illnesses. As such, by sending the elderly sex offenders to the prison may aggravate their health condition because the prisons are geared prima rily for young offenders and it has little emphasis placed on special problems of incarcerating the elderly offenders. Moreover, increased numbers of elderly offenders will equate to an increased in the medical cost and facilities required for the elderly. With the increase in elderly offenders, setting up an elderly prison might be worthwhile considering as the prison can be tailored to the elderly offenders special needs such as medical and psychological facilities and equipment available for the offenders. In the state of Nevada in United States, the governor implemented a special needs program for different groups of offenders such as the elderly offenders, pregnant offenders, sex offenders and etc (NDOC, 2007). The Ministry of Home Affairs could perhaps set aside certain percentage of the allocated funds to run such program when elderly offenders have increased substantially. For a stronger deterrence message to prevent elderly offenders from committing sexual crimes, the government should also review the Penal Code and relook into the caning requirements, if the countrys law and order is based on classical approach. As brought up earlier, caning for age 49 and below does not coincide with the life expectancy as well as the criteria age for elderly. The government should revise the mandatory caning requirement to age 64 and below for serious offences and caning can still be carried out for age 65 and above subjected to medical examination. In this way, the punishment meted can transmit a stronger deterrence signal to future elderly sex offenders. For a justice system to be more effective and encompassing, the government should consider a mixture of both the classical and positivist approaches. Conclusion While elderly sex offenders only account for a small percentage of sexual crimes committed, it is definitely alarming that an elderly who has lived within the norms of society for their entire life can commit such horrendous acts at such a late stage in their life and turn into a dirty old man. Nevertheless, elderly sex offenders are generally less violent and their intention is never to harm their victims, the crime is committed purely out of personal gratification. With the increase in elderly offenders, dedicated prisons are recommended for elderly offenders and they can make use of the medical facilities for their health and mental treatment.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dear Mom Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Dear Mom, You're probably thinking, What is this? I've been in college for four years, and I've never written you a letter. I've sent you a couple of emails that you never checked. Mostly I call, say hello, and hang up. That way you have to call me back, and my phone bill stays small. I'm writing because I have something I need to tell you, but I feel silly saying it. Also, I can be more organized this way. You know how we engineers like everything in its place. Anyway, I need to tell you this because of something tacked on my wall. It's something I believe in, but I've never done anything about it. It's a quote. It goes something like this. Don't waste a single moment you may spend with someone you love. Don't neglect to tell them how important they are and how much you need them, want them, love them... Source unknown Blah. Blah. Blah. Now I'll say what I need to say. Here goes nothing. Do you remember when I told you that Elizabeth gave me the biggest compliment of my life? She told her class that I am her role model. Wow. I'm bringing this up because whenever I think about who my role model is, one person always pops into my head: you. Why, you may ask? I never really thought about it, either. Of course, I can think of plenty of reasons you wouldn't be my role model. Sorry, but I don't really want to be exactly like you, and--ignoring the obvious physical similarities--I don't think I am like you. See, a lot of what I've done in life--much as I would like to deny the fact--has been done because of my grades. I don't need to remind you I was the valedictorian. So was Dad. So was his dad. You were not. In fact, I've seen a couple of your report cards. Don't feel bad. Not everybody tests well. Academ... ... tell me they heard I've joined the Navy. You really need to get that bragging thing under control! What I'm trying to say is, I'm grateful I have such a great mom. It's going to be hard to move away, but you don't make me feel guilty. You always let me know you're proud of me. Well, I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for you. I admire you, and you're my role model because you are such a good mom. I know it's the hardest thing in the world to be. I also know that sometimes I make it harder than it has to be. (No more tattoos. I promise.) Well, that about covers that bullet list. I can't really think of anything else I need to say. Maybe just that I'm incredibly lucky to have a mother I can describe as beautiful, intelligent, kind, and independent. Love, Your daughter P.S. Now you know what it's like to have someone brag about you. Embarrassing, hey?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bilingual Education: Social Justice for All Essay -- Argumentative Per

  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be honest, I didn't know very much about the legal status and specific methods involved in bilingual education. Researching bilingual education helped me develop a broad understanding of the controversy and sufficient knowledge to be able to defend which method I think is the most effective. The biggest challenge in presenting my argument was focusing on a topic, because bilingual education is a broad topic with many ramifications. After considering many possible angles, I finally chose to write about two-way bilingual education because it is an effective method that has not been implemented very frequently in the educational system. The front doors of Chamberlain Elementary School in Goshen, Indiana are plastered with advertisements for GED courses for Spanish speakers and bilingual memos reminding parents of the upcoming parent-teacher conferences. Colorful posters in either Spanish or English, with the corresponding translation posted alongside them, deck the hallways. Over a third of the student body belongs to a linguistic minority group, with Spanish being by far the most common language. Thus, Chamberlain administrators and teachers face the daily challenge of meeting the needs of a diverse student body within the context of an English-speaking public institution. The school is well known throughout the area for its efforts in embracing diversity, projecting itself as a multicultural institution, and connecting with families regardless of their cultural background. However, in meeting the linguistic needs of its diverse population, Chamberlain falls sadly short. Volunteers or trained teachers pull students out of their classrooms for a brief lesson each day in English as a Second Language (ESL). Language minor... ...eadership (Dec.99-Jan.00): 62-67. Porter Pedalino, Rosalie. "The Benefits of English Immersion." Educational Leadership (Dec.99-Jan.00): 52-56. Quezada, Maria S., Terrence G. Wiley, and J. David Ramirez. "How the Reform Agenda Shortchanges English Learners." Educational Leadership (Dec.99-Jan.00): 57-61. Rippberger, Susan J. "Ideological Shifts in Bilingual Education." Comparative Educational Review (Feb.93): 50-61. Rodriguez, Roberto. "The Politics of Language." Hispanic (Apr.96): 53. Rothstein, Richard. "Bilingual Education: The Controversy." Phi Delta Kappan (May 98): 672-678. Thomas, Wayne P., and Virginia P. Collier. "Accelerated Schooling for English Language Learners." Educational Leadership (Apr.99): 46-49. Thomas, Wayne P., and Virginia P. Collier. "Two Languages are Better Than One." Educational Leadership (Dec.97-Jan.98): 23-26.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dbq Response Spread of Buddhism in China

Megan Cissell AP World-4 George October 14, 2012 Document Based Question After analyzing the documents I was given, I believe there is both a positive and negative response to the spread of Buddhism in China. Over time the response became more and more negative than positive. People were getting used to the spread of Buddhism because they knew that it wasn’t going away anytime soon. The background information I was given explains that since China was unstable at this time Confucianism was on the decline which made Buddhism easier to rise. Document one does not really state a response to the spread of Buddhism in China.This document is just three of the four noble truths that the Buddha preached. This document does not go into any grouping that I have because it does not explain anything about the spread of Buddhism. Certain documents had a positive response to the spread. One of the documents was summarizing the fourth noble truth that the Buddha preached, but it also explaine d the goal of Buddhism (Document 2). Another example of a positive response is the one that explains how Confucius, Laozi, and the Buddha are alike in what they wanted for their respective religions.They all three wanted the same, but it was the difference in time periods that set them apart (Document 5). The next document I am going to explain is both positive and negative. The answers that are used are more positive than the questions, but still have a negative side to them. This document explains how Confucian classics do not contain everything so they ask why there is suspicion that Buddhism is so bad. The person talks about Buddha as a unicorn compared to other sages as a white deer; however, white deer are rare and unicorns are unreal. This person is saying that the Buddha does not really exist so why should Buddhism.The questions in this document are more negative because it talks about how if Buddhism is so great then why didn’t Confucius practice it. The questions al so point out that monks do not marry or have families, they only care about goodness and wisdom, which is not part of Chinese culture (Document 3). However to the positives also bring some negatives. Although, one of the documents has a negative response by saying that the Buddha does not conform to the Chinese culture, the scholar took greatly to Buddhism because he knows it will continue to spread until later when China becomes more stable and Confucianism returns.He is basically saying that why should Buddhism be honored if it has not originated in China. I believe that there is some bias in this excerpt because the person writing it is a Confucian scholar. (Document 4). Document 4 and document 6 tie together because they were written about the same time. This document talks about how Buddhism is an infection to China and is spreading like a vine throughout the country. He also says the country will suffer because people will stop their jobs to follow the Buddha.Buddhism in his w ords are like weeds, they don’t stop growing even if you pull them they grow back again and again. This excerpt also states how scared China was of the spread and how it could change the Chinese culture (Document 6). Additional pieces that I could use are the reports and consultations of the general public. These would be helpful to see how it impacted the whole country of China through the eyes of the public not just people that have power in the courts.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Coffee Industry Trends Essay

Coffee shops are considered to be specialty eateries, which also includes retail outlets that offer bagels, donuts, ice cream and frozen yogurt. In 2011 there were around 20,000 coffee shops in the United States with combined revenues of $10 billion. 70% of the sales are generated by the top 50 coffee shop operators. There are local mom and pop operators competing alongside of Starbucks and other national brands. The number of coffee shops like Starbucks rose in 2004, but leveled off in the recession of 2008. The number of establishments has grown faster than the number of firms. So while there are quite a few startups, those start- ups are starting up more and more shops. International business is becoming more and more important in this industry. Starbucks reported to have 5,500 international locations in 2010. Starbucks is getting ready to open their first shop in Vietnam. Vietnam is a country with strong coffee traditions and many local independent shops. In 2012, the National Coffee Association conducted a study and they found that over 75% of adults living in the US drink coffee and of those, 58% drink it daily. The age group 25-39 went from 44% drinking daily to 54%. Why the increase? Most felt better about their finances. There are still more Americans drinking coffee than tea. There are 183 million coffee drinkers to 173. 5 million tea drinkers. There has been a surge of national quick service and fast food chains entering the market. McDonalds introduced their specialty coffee line, McCafe in 2005, Burger King has BK Joe, Chick-Fil-A has Cafe blends, 7-Eleven has World Roasts, and Dunkin Donuts has lattes and cappuccinos that they introduced in 2003. Because of increased competition, many companies are trying to increase their sales thru whole and ground coffee. Many are selling thru grocery stores, specialty food stores, and also the internet. This helps build brand awareness and also brings people into the coffee shop itself. 85% of coffee drinkers make their coffee at home and now they have more ways to make their own specialty and espresso as well. These companies are actually competing against themselves as they manufacture coffee for the Keurig and Vue machines. The average consumption of coffee has actually fallen slightly in the last 30 years, but is projected to remain stable over the next five years.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bacteria and Growth Temperature

INTRODUCTION The environments of Earth include conditions in which physical and chemical extremes make it very difficult for organisms to survive. Conditions that can destroy living cells and biomolecules include high and low temperatures; low amounts of oxygen and water; and high levels of salinity, acidity, alkalinity, and radiation. Examples of extreme environments on Earth are hot geysers and oceanic thermal vents, Antarctic sea ice, and oxygen-depleted rivers and lakes. Organisms that have evolved special adaptations that permit them to live in extreme conditions are called â€Å"extremophiles. â€Å"Photo by: Dmitry Pichugin â€Å"Thermophiles† are microorganisms with optimal growth temperatures between 60 and 108 degrees Celsius, isolated from a number of marine and terrestrial geothermally-heated habitats including shallow terrestrial hot springs, hydrothermal vent systems, sediment from volcanic islands, and deep sea hydrothermal vents. -Encyclopedia of Environmenta l Microbiology, 2002. vol. 3. Temperature and bacteria The lowest temperature at which a particular species will grow is the minimum growth temperature, while the maximum growth temperature is the highest temperature at which they will grow.The temperature at which their growth is optimal is called the optimum growth temperature. In general, the maximum and minimum growth temperatures of any particular type of bacteria are about 30 °F (-1 °C) apart. Most bacteria thrive at temperatures at or around that of the human body 98. 6 °F (37 °C), and some, such as Escherichia coli, are normal parts of the human intestinal flora. These organisms are mesophiles (moderate-temperature-loving), with an optimum growth temperature between 77 °F (25 °C) and 104 °F (40 °C).Mesophiles have adapted to thrive in temperatures close to that of their host. Psychrophiles, which prefer cold temperatures, are divided into two groups. One group has an optimal growth temperature of about 59 ° F (15 °C), but can grow at temperatures as low as 32 °F (0 °C). These organisms live in ocean depths or Arctic regions. Other psychrophiles that can also grow at 32 °F (0 °C) have an optimal growth temperature between 68 °F (20 °C) and 86 °F (30 °C). These organisms, sometimes called psychrotrophs, are often those associated with food spoilage under refrigeration.Thermophiles thrive in very hot environments, many having an optimum growth temperature between 122 °F (50 °C) and 140 °F (60 °C), similar to that of hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. Such organisms thrive in compost piles, where temperatures can rise as high as 140 °F (60 °C). Extreme thermophiles grow at temperatures above 195 °F (91 °C). Along the sides of hydrothermal vents on the ocean bottom 217 mi (350 km) north of the Galapagos Islands, for example, bacteria grow in temperatures that can reach 662 °F (350 °C). pH and bacteriaLike temperature, pH also plays a role in dete rmining the ability of bacteria to grow or thrive in particular environments. Most commonly, bacteria grow optimally within a narrow range of pH between 6. 7 and 7. 5. Acidophiles, however, prefer acidic conditions. For example, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which occurs in drainage water from coal mines, can survive at pH 1. Other bacteria, such as Vibrio cholera, the cause of cholera, can thrive at a pH as high as 9. 0. Osmotic pressure and bacteria Osmotic pressure is another limiting factor in the growth of bacteria.Bacteria are about 80-90% water; they require moisture to grow because they obtain most of their nutrients from their aqueous environment. Examples of Extreme Communities Deep Sea. The deep sea environment has high pressure and cold temperatures (1 to 2 degrees Celsius [33. 8 to 35. 6 degrees Fahrenheit]), except in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents, which are a part of the sea floor that is spreading, creating cracks in the earth's crust that release heat and chemical s into the deep sea environment and create underwater geysers.In these vents, the temperature may be as high as 400 degrees Celsius (752 degrees Fahrenheit), but water remains liquid owing to the high pressure. Hydrothermal vents have a pH range from about 3 to 8 and unusual chemistry. In 1977, the submarine Alvin found life 2. 6 kilometers (1. 6 miles) deep near vents along the East Pacific Rise. Life forms ranged from microbes to invertebrates that were adapted to these extreme conditions. Deep sea environments are home to psychrophiles (organisms that like cold temperatures), hyperthermophiles (organisms that like very high temperatures), and piezophiles (organisms adapted to high pressures).Hypersaline Environments. Hypersaline environments are high in salt concentration and include salt flats, evaporation ponds, natural lakes (for example, Great Salt Lake), and deep sea hypersaline basins. Communities living in these environments are often dominated by halophilic (salt-loving) organisms, including bacteria, algae, diatoms, and protozoa. There are also halophilic yeasts and other fungi, but these normally cannot tolerate environments as saline as other tax. Deserts. Deserts can be hot or cold, but they are always dry.The Atacoma desert in Chile is one of the oldest, driest hot deserts, sometimes existing for decades without any precipitation at all. The coldest, driest places are the Antarctic Dry Valleys, where primary inhabitants are cyanobacteria, algae, and fungi that live a few millimeters beneath the sandstone rock surface. Although these endolithic (living in rocks) communities are based on photosynthesis, the organisms have had to adapt to long periods of darkness and extremely dry conditions.Light dustings of snow that may melt in the Antarctic summer are often the only sources of water for these organisms. Ice. Permafrost, and Snow. From high-altitude glaciers, often colored pink from red-colored algae, to the polar permafrost, life has evolved t o use frozen water as a habitat. In some instances, the organisms, such as bacteria, protozoa, and algae, are actually living in liquid brine (very salty water) that is contained in pockets of the ice. In other cases, microorganisms found living on or in ice are not so much ice lovers as much as ice survivors.These organisms may have been trapped in the ice and simply possessed sufficient adaptations to enable them to persist. Atmosphere. The ability for an organism to survive in the atmosphere depends greatly on its ability to withstand desiccation and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Although microorganisms can be found in the upper layers of the atmosphere, it is unclear whether these constitute a functional ecosystem or simply an aerial suspension of live but largely inactive organisms and their spores. Outer Space.The study of extremeophiles and the ability of some to survive exposure to the conditions of outer space has raised the possibility that life might be found elsewhe re in the universe and the possibility that simple life forms may be capable of traveling through space, for example from one planet to another. Research Findings Newfound gene may help bacteria survive in extreme environments Resulting microbial lipids may also signify oxygen dips in Earth’s history. Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office July 26, 2012 A newly discovered gene in bacteria may help microbes survive in low-oxygen environments.A bacterial cell with the gene, left, exhibits protective membranes. A cell without the gene, right, produces no membranes. Image: Paula Welander In the days following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, methane-eating bacteria bloomed in the Gulf of Mexico, feasting on the methane that gushed, along with oil, from the damaged well. The sudden influx of microbes was a scientific curiosity: Prior to the oil spill, scientists had observed relatively few signs of methane-eating microbes in the area. Now researchers at MIT have discovered a bacterial gene that may explain this sudden influx of methane-eating bacteria.This gene enables bacteria to survive in extreme, oxygen-depleted environments, lying dormant until food such as methane from an oil spill, and the oxygen needed to metabolize it become available. The gene codes for a protein, named HpnR, that is responsible for producing bacterial lipids known as 3-methylhopanoids. The researchers say producing these lipids may better prepare nutrient-starved microbes to make a sudden appearance in nature when conditions are favorable, such as after the Deepwater Horizon accident.The lipid produced by the HpnR protein may also be used as a biomarker, or a signature in rock layers, to identify dramatic changes in oxygen levels over the course of geologic history. â€Å"The thing that interests us is that this could be a window into the geologic past,† says MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) postdoc Paula Welander, who led the research. â€Å" In the geologic record, many millions of years ago, we see a number of mass extinction events where there is also evidence of oxygen depletion in the ocean.It’s at these key events, and immediately afterward, where we also see increases in all these biomarkers as well as indicators of climate disturbance. It seems to be part of a syndrome of warming, ocean deoxygenation and biotic extinction. The ultimate causes are unknown. † Welander and EAPS Professor Roger Summons have published their results this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This image shows that 5 different extreme environments that the extremeophile live. Such as, Sea Vennts at sea floor, Yellowstone Hotsprings, Antartica Subglacial Lakes, at Atacama Desert, and lastly at Jupiter (Space).Europa is one of Jupiter’s moons, and is covered in ice. Scientists have recently uncovered strong evidence of liquid water beneath Europa’s ice, which may be due to hydrothermal vent s, which may in turn host bacteria. Credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, NSF REFFERENCES 1. http://science. jrank. org/pages/714/Bacteria. html#ixzz28JlGDpue 2. Horikoshi, K. , and W. D. Grant. Extremophiles: Microbial Life in Extreme Environments. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1998. 3. Madigan, M. T. , and B. L. Marrs. â€Å"Extremophiles. † Scientific American 276, no. 4 (1997): 82–87. 4.Rothschild, L. J. , and R. L. Mancinelli. â€Å"Life in Extreme Environments. † Nature 409 (2001): 1092–1101. 5. Seckbach, J. , ed. Journey to Diverse Microbial Worlds: Adaptation to Exotic Environments. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 6. http://www. biologyreference. com/Ep-Fl/Extreme-Communities. html#b#ixzz28Jn5EptD 7. http://www. nsf. gov/news/special_reports/sfs/index. jsp? id=life;sid=ext ASSIGNMENT 1 BACTERIAS THAT LIVE IN EXTREAM ENVIRONMENT NAME : SARANKUMAR PERUMALU MATRIX NO : 4112033021 LECTURER : MR MOOHAMAD ROPANING SULONG

Saturday, September 14, 2019


The purpose of this research is to determine what and how sales and inventory system can be a gig help for the business in recording and tracking the sales simultaneously. CHAPTER I Introduction Computer technology nowadays changes very fast. So it is very important for a business to cope up in such changes in order to be competitive with others. Using a manual sales and inventory for recording and tracking the sales is time consuming and not advisable for a big establishment to use.So, we are proposing this sales and inventory system, a software-based business solution used to simultaneously track sales activity and inventory. With the implementation Of this system in a business, it would be a great help. The program allows the entered sales to be computed accurately. Just by having all the items' information enters into a database. It is easy to use, effective and efficient in organizing, tracking and calculating the sales.In addition, this study aims to develop reliable and manage able computerized sales and inventory system for Derides Poultry and Agar-Supply for a better manageable of a business. 1. 1 Background of the Study Define a Sales & Inventory System In the past, sales and inventory systems were mutually exclusive systems, with one used to sell merchandise and the other used to track it; modern mint-of-sale systems incorporate computerized access to the inventory control system, allowing for real-time updating.An inventory and sales system working in unison effectively tracks product from the moment it enters the store to the moment it leaves, barring losses due to shrinkage. Separate Origins of Sales and Inventory Systems Originally, in the era before computers, sales were tracked with counter ledgers or, later on, mechanically issued receipts from cash registers. Inventories had their own ledger book, meaning that the two systems were entirely separate out of necessity. With the advent of modern computer technology, it has become possible to combi ne the two systems into one digital process.

Auditor Independence Revisited

1. The main rationale of an audit is to offer company shareholders with a proficient, self-sufficient view regarding if the yearly accounts of the corporation reveal a correct and reasonable view of the fiscal situation of the corporation and if they can be trusted. Independence is the major way through which an auditor shows that he can carry out his job in an objective way (Reynold, Deis, and Francis, 2014).   The auditor has to be independent from the customer corporation, in order that the audit estimation will not be persuaded by any link among them (Umar and Anandarajan, 2014). The necessity for independence comes up because in a lot of cases consumers of financial reports and different third parties do not have adequate details or understanding to know what is enclosed in a company’s yearly reports. Therefore, they trust the auditor’s independent review (Gul, Jaggi and Krishnan, 2010). By Sally becoming the CFO, she can influence the opinion of auditors on whether the financial reports of the corporation are properly made or not. As Sally hosted the dinner, there has been non-appearance of independent acts. It is necessary that the auditor not only performs independently, however appears independent also. In case an auditor is actually independent, however one or additional aspects propose otherwise, this could possibly bring about the ending that the audit report does not signify an accurate and reasonable analysis. Independence in appearances will lessen the chance for an auditor to proceed otherwise than independently, which finally attaches trustworthiness to the audit report (Paterson and Valencia, 2011). 2 . Since Sally has taken the post of Financial Controller in this year at Madeira 3 of the threats, are: Anandarajan, A., Kleinman, G. and Palmon, D. (2008). Auditor independence revisited: The effects of SOX on auditor independence. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 5(2), pp.112-125. Blay, A. and Geiger, M. (2012). Auditor Fees and Auditor Independence: Evidence from Going Concern Reporting Decisions*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(2), pp.579-606. Gul, F., Jaggi, B.L. and Krishnan, G.V. (2010). Auditor independence: evidence on the joint effects of auditor tenure and nonaudit fees. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 26 (2), 117–142. Paterson, J.S. and Valencia, A. (2011). The effects of recurring and nonrecurring tax, audit-related, and other nonaudit services on auditor independence. Contemporary Accounting Research, 28 (5), 1510-1536. Reynold, J.K., Deis, D.R. and Francis, J.R. (2014). Professional service fees and auditor objectivity. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 23 (1), 29–52. Umar, A. and Anandarajan, A. (2014). Dimensions of pressures faced by auditors and its impact on auditors’ independence. Managerial Auditing Journal, 19 (1), 99-116.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Water Rocket Design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Water Rocket Design - Research Paper Example The typical construction of a water rocket consists of household materials such as discarded plastic bottles, water, duct tape etc. Typical water rockets are constructed out of plastic bottles. The plastic bottles may be used individually or in combination after cutting out their bases and joining them together. Water is filled inside the plastic bottle rocket body but some space is left empty. The plastic bottle filled with water and partially empty is then turned upside down and sealed. This aids preserving the water inside. Compressed air or other gas injected into the water filled plastic bottle pressurizes the water inside. Typical sources of compressed air include bicycle pumps or portable air compressors. Similarly, other gases such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen may be used using compressed gas cylinders. However, using nitrogen may be dangerous given the high compression ratios used to store nitrogen. The compressed gas tends to provide the means to store potential energy ins ide the rocket body. The stored potential energy is releasable from the rocket when desired. The mass fraction of the water rocket increases with the use of water. This allows the provision of greater impulse when compressed air and water escape from the water rocket body. In addition to water, other additives are also used to increase the mass fraction of water rockets. ... This paper will look into the construction of water rockets to teach students mathematical principles while looking into learning styles, safety and other pedagogical considerations. Water Rocket Design Principles Water rockets are a direct application of Newton’s third law of motion describing action and reaction. The release of compressed gas and water allows the rocket to lift itself skywards for considerable distances. The exact physics behind water rockets depends in large part on the stored energy inside the rocket and the air drag encountered by the moving rocket. However, a lack of standardized construction techniques means that a number of different physics models are used to delineate how water rockets operate. The final outputs from a water rocket include the total height achieved as well as the total duration of flight. These outputs depend on a number of different inputs including the pressure of compressed gas, the volume of water used, the nozzle configuration a nd the weight of the water rocket body. The relationship between these inputs and outputs are expressible in a variety of different ways. Various models are available to delineate the relationship between these inputs and outputs. However, none of the available models guarantees a high degree of accuracy so these models can be best used as approximations. Mathematical Relationships In order to simplify the relationship between the inputs and outputs for a water rocket, students were presented with a simple water rocket mathematical model. The physics behind water rockets requires exploration of advanced concepts such as (Gommes, 2010): incompressibility of water; compressibility of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Time Value of Money in Economic Decisions Research Paper

Time Value of Money in Economic Decisions - Research Paper Example An Opportunity cost arises when one is made to wait for the amount in future. In this context, Blue jay Manufacturing Company is looking at two options. These options include outsourcing portions of its in house manufacturing or making a capital investment towards expansion of in house manufacturing. Capital budgeting is thus essential in making a financial analysis of the two options presented to make a decision that will have the best outcome. Time value of money uses the present value and the future value of cash flows. In this case Butler wants to keep the manufacturing in house and to do so there is need for a capital investment to be made. Investing this cash denies the business a chance to outsource since the money cannot be realized till the investment pays off. Time value of money is used here to calculate the future value of the money which is then compared to the investment value at maturity. If the investment value at maturity is greater than the calculated future value o f money, then it is considered a good investment. However, if the future value of money is greater than the value of the investment then it is not a good capital investment and Butler would be advised to go ahead and outsource (Crosson and Needles, 2008). This is how time value of money is used in making an economic decision. It helps to calculate the value of money at a future date and compare it with its present value so as to determine a worthy investment. To clearly understand the basics of time value of money, it is important to understand the Net Present value. Net Present Value is the difference between present values of cash outflows and the present values of cash inflows. It is calculated to check the profitability of one alternative over the other. A positive NPV is an indication that it is a good investment whereas a negative NPV shows that it is not a worthy investment (Steven, 1986). In this case, future cash flows estimates of outsourcing are generated. These cash flow s are then discounted to one lump sum present value for example $600,000. If the suppliers are willing to provide their services at a price below $600,000 then management can give the go ahead to outsource for this presents a positive NPV. However, if the suppliers charge more than $600,000 it would be a very costly move and thus management would chose not to outsource. Consequently, the same analysis should be done for the case of in house manufacturing. If the NPV of in house manufacturing is found to be greater than the NPV of outsourcing, then by all means a capital investment should be made to expand in house manufacturing and vice versa. Net Present Value calculations take inflation and returns into account while analyzing the time value of money. In simple terms, it is the present value of future cash flows without accounting for the purchase price (Crosson and Needles, 2008). It is considered the most standard method for using time value of money to appraise long term invest ments during capital budgeting. The Pay Back Period is also another method that is used to determine the time value of money. However, it only measures the risk and not the returns. The Pay Back period measures the time taken for cash inflows to equate to the capital investment made. The shorter the period the more worthy the investment is. Time value of money

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Relationship Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Relationship Marketing - Essay Example To keep the relationship alive, relationship marketing becomes essential. This does not mean that the company should be ‘best friends’ with the client, rather it signifies the idea that a company should use a marketing system in which the marketing stress is placed on creating a long term relationship with customers which comes with the promise of repeat business rather than individual sales (Stone & Woodcock, 1995). This process involves a perceptive understanding of the client’s needs as the customers go through their lifecycle with the company and the satisfaction of those needs as the customer experiences them. Relationship marketing is based on the concepts of marketing but it uses cross functional teams that cut across various departments in a company to provide excellent and complete services to the clients. Rather than have the client go to different locations to get the pricing, service, promotions and other elements of the marketing mix, the entire marketing process can be handled by a team which comprises of various members of the company to provide multiple points of contact for customer groups (Peck et. al., 1999). Therefore relationship marketing is also considered to be a system which is similar to customer relationship management. This is done because the focus is on satisfying the needs of the customer rather than the needs of the company. In such a process, the product and the product lifecycle take differing positions of importance since different types and elements of marketing must be used as the customer and the product itself goes through various phases of maturity. Since the topic of relationship marketing is quite vast, it has been successfully applied to everything from consumable food items (Normandy & Sanders, 2004) to high end luxury cars (Stone et. al. 1996). While a chocolate might have a smaller life as a product, a good car remains with the buyer for several years if not several

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Recruitment and Hiring Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Recruitment and Hiring - Term Paper Example This is a positive development, for otherwise, important private information will be subject to misuse and exploitation. The rest of this essay will outline key laws, regulations and principles for recruiters to mull over as they discharge their duties in the HRM department. It is common practice for employers to scrutinize past behavior of a potential employee and make sure that the latter is not prone to criminal or other disruptive behavior. (Connerley, et. al., 2001, p.73) But conducting background checks on prospective employees is wrought with risk. Previous employers are also caught in a quagmire for the risk of eliciting a defamation suit from disgruntled former employees. Hence, employers should make sure that they abstain from giving false or defamatory statement regarding their former employees. Other criteria that could lead to a defamation claim are: â€Å"an unprivileged publication to a third party; fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher; and either action-ability of the statement irrespective of special harm or the existence of special harm caused by the publication.† (Long, 1997, p.190) Hence, in order to comply with state and federal laws, careful avoidance of defamation of former employees is crucial. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the foundation for modern corporate defamation laws. It lays out the limits and expectations of the legal relationship between workers and their managers, especially Title VII of the Act. The courts and state legislatures, having identified that the employees are the ones holding upper hand in defamation suits have promulgated statutory reforms in recent years. It is perhaps a measure of these reforms that â€Å"in an effort to increase the free exchange of references, at least twenty-six states now provide some type of statutory immunity for employers when they provide a reference. Prior to 1995, only five states had such laws.† (Long, 1997, p.190) Hence it is important for employers to ensure no discrimination exists, either in the form of racism, sexism or ageism in the hiring process. It is also important that the tests for selection and appraisal are standardized in order to prevent claims of arbitrary and / or discriminatory hiring practices. (Fuss & Snowden, 2004, p.54) Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact are two theories under Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act. Together, they were intended to prohibit discriminatory actions on part of employers toward racial, sexual or class minorities. The theory of Disparate Treatment first came into judicial discourse in the Griggs v. Duke Power Co. During and after this case, the term â€Å"business necessity† became central to deciding such cases. If business managers treat minorities in a disparate manner in the absence of compelling business needs, then their action can be construed as discriminatory and in violation of provisions under Title VII. In all disparate treatment c ases, â€Å"whether the issue is the truth or falsity of the employer's reason for its action, or the co-existence of legitimate and illegitimate motives, whether the plaintiff puts on direct or circumstantial evidence, or both, the issue at the liability stage is simply whether the plaintiff has shown, by a preponderance of the evidence, that discrimination was a motivating factor in the employment decision.† (Drachsler, 2005, p.230) The Civil Rights Act of 1991,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Modernist And Postmodernist Interior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Modernist And Postmodernist Interior - Essay Example Most importantly, this paper will show the connection between culture and interior designs. It will do so by analyzing the changes in different cultures currently experiencing change. As a global village, there is increased cultural interaction that has seen a lot of borrowing between cultures. These kinds of interactions are some of the forces that are responsible for shaping modernism and post-modernism development. The most visible progress from modernism to post modernism is not only exhibited through technology but also through architecture and interior designs (Piotrowsky, 2008, p.116). Withal, in the comparison of the two designs, this paper will also elaborate on the close links that tie together interior design and socio-cultural aspects of the society. It will also assess the interdependence between the two broad dynamics of each of these aspects (Tangaza, 2006, p. 80). It will sustain this by analyzing how a change in one aspect directly or indirectly prompts the other to change. In order to bring a clear understanding on the interconnectivity between these two major contexts, this paper will bases its assessment and comparison on relevant theories of modernism and post modernism. These are theories that explain the concepts of modernism and post-modernism in the context of the society and its culture. ... Some of these actors may be hard to achieve or attain for some regions more than it may be for some regions. Perhaps the best question on should be asking now is what exactly modernism and post modernism mean. After that it will be easier to understand the concept of modern interior designs and postmodern interior designs in architecture. The Concept of Modernism and Post-Modernism Some scholars are of the opinion that the concept of postmodernism is one that has arisen out of a desire and endeavor to move away from the eighteenth century enlightment philosophy. They claim that there was a need for man to come with present and more current ways of defining the present times and living by those standards that befit the current age. While this may be true, there is however a clear attempt or omission that skips one step. Postmodernity cannot come ahead of modernity. This brings us to the debate on whether one can clearly distinguish whether the concept of modernity and postmodernity is actually one thing. Can one sufficiently argue that postmodernity concept is one that man coined to celebrate his immense achievements although these achievements are just slightly above modernism? This may not presents clear distinction. Nevertheless, one can be bold enough to say that postmodernity exist side by side like two faces of the same coin. However, postmodernity presents an understanding of man’s response to humanity and making of great strides in his quest to make life better. Postmodernity therefore appears to be a new way of doing things in the best way possible. One can also say that postmodernism is movement towards decentralizing and dispersing of aspects about life. Call it a great shift to make modernity even better. Other scholars argue that postmodernity is